Thank You Borscht.

Monday is our big day.

Monday we take our biggest step yet toward Ukraine.

On Monday we move in with our friend Luke and say good bye to our house.  I can’t believe it!  We’re not leaving for Ukraine for about a year, but we’re staying with Luke while we rent out our house and pay off student debt. 

I had a little bit of an emotional week.  It’s so strange to pack things up knowing some of these things may very well stay packed up for years.  We have no idea how long we’ll live in Ukraine.  We could live there for 2 years or 20 years.  We just don’t know.  We know the dreams God gave us and that’s all we have to go by- the voice of God. 

We aren’t committing to a certain number of years, we’re simply committing our lives.  We’re committing our ears to hear God’s voice, our hands to do the work He asks us to do, and our hearts to be soft to His leading.  So I pack some things knowing I don’t want to get rid of them, but knowing they can’t come with us to Ukraine.  Things like hospital bracelets from the births of our babies, programs from our wedding, name tags from mission trips to Kosova.  I just can’t bring myself to part with things like that.  Not yet, anyway. 

I felt myself getting a little melancholy this week, considering all the changes we are facing and will face.  I even started to have a bit of a pity party.  Ha!  But yesterday I decided enough is enough!  This is NOT about me!  This is not about my comfort.  This is about joyful obedience.  This is about joy in the fact that we are called and that God is making a way. 

I made a big vat of borscht last night in remembrance of why we are doing this.  As I chopped, sauteed, boiled and stirred I remembered the faces and lives that touched our hearts when we were in Ukraine.  I remembered the boys who sit on benches surrounded by nothingness  I remembered Slavik and Alyona serving and loving with too many needs, not enough hands.  I remembered it is my joy and my honor to sell my things and leave my house for  Him.  What do I have to complain about? 


Oh my, once my attitude adjusted I started to get really excited.  We are taking ginormous step toward our dream!  This is really happening! 

 Then I thought of friends around us also stepping out into their destinies and I was filled to overflowing with faith and joy.

God’s got this and it is our joy and complete honor to follow Him. 


  1. Ben and Melanie · October 11, 2012

    BIG OL TEARS….. Love you! Love them Johnsons!!!!

  2. Deanna · October 12, 2012

    figured I should stop lurking now and just comment 🙂 That would be hard for me, too! 🙂 I can relate. I'm so excited, though, to see how He is going to move for your family. What a great adventure!! Awesome, awesome 🙂

  3. Anonymous · October 14, 2012

    You are an amazing woman with a huge heart. Prayers for you.Samantha

  4. Jed and Kimber · October 14, 2012

    Awww love me some Hartmans too.

  5. Jed and Kimber · October 14, 2012

    Yay for de-lurking! Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂

  6. Jed and Kimber · October 14, 2012

    Thank you Samantha! How sweet of you and I really appreciate the prayers. 🙂

  7. andrea · October 15, 2012

    I can only imagine how scary all these "small" (a.k.a HUGE) steps are but I am so excited for you guys!Praying for you!

  8. Jed and Kimber · October 15, 2012

    Thank you Andrea! Yes, HUGE. AAAAAAUGH!!!!! 🙂

  9. syc · October 18, 2012

    Excited for you too!! Step by step… you will get there with God showing you the way!

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